2021 Cohort

Alan Arizmendi Almaraz
Major: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Monica Lamm, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Research Project: Molecular Dynamics Simulations Offer Insight into Flexivity of Malachite Green Aptamer Structure during Binding

Derrick Garth Jr.
Major: Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Nathaniel Wade, Department of Psychology
Research Project: Relationship Quality: Warmth and Hostility in Black Females: Examining the Role of Parental Communication, Childhood Sexual Abuse, and Other Adverse Childhood Experiences

Taylor Moore
Major: Sociology
Faculty Mentor: Kelly Reddy-Best, Department of Apparel, Events, & Hospitality Management
Research Project: Fashion, Resistance, and Black Liberation: 1970's and Today

Aline Milach Teixeira
Major: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Dipali Sashital, Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, & Molecular Biology
Research Project: Investigating Septu Antiphage Defense Systems

Autumn Pauley
Major: Anthropology & International Studies
Faculty Mentor: Andrew Somerville, Department of World Languages and Cultures
Research Project: Studying the Effect of Acid Treatment Time on Stable Isotope of Ratios of Bone

Mia Riddley
Major: Environmental Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Swanner, Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
Research Project: Biological and Geochemical Controls on Iron Deposition in an Intermittent Stream

Malcolm St. Cyr
Major: Agronomy
Faculty Mentor: Marshall McDaniel, Department of Agronomy
Research Project: Soil and Soybean Responses to Planting into Terminated Prairie Strips

Alexis Steinhoff
Major: Biology & Mathematics with Applications
Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Wendel, Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology
Research Project: Alternative Splicing during Fiber Development in Gossypium hirsutum

Lal Thangi
Major: Kinesiology & Health
Faculty Mentor: Thimmasettappa Thippeswamy, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Research Project: INOS Inhibitor, or 1400W, Mitigates Pathological Morphology of Microglia in Nerve Agent (Soman)-induced Rat Model of Epilepsy

Kyra Troendle
Major: Community & Regional Planning
Faculty Mentor: Monica Haddad, Department of Community & Regional Planning
Research Project: Intergrating Nature Education and Park Play in Small Towns

Sarahi Villasenor Hernandez
Major: Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Christian Meissner, Department of Psychology
Research Project: Detection Between a Truth-Teller and Liars by Analyzing Verbal Cues throughout Multiple Sessions