The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

  • Federally-funded TRiO grant program named for one of the Space Shuttle Challenger's astronauts, Dr. Ronald E. McNair
  • Encourages low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented undergraduates to pursue graduate studies

The overall goal of the McNair Program is to increase the number of students from these populations that attain a traditional, research-based Ph.D. (McNair does not prepare students for a professional dregree).  The intent is to honor the high standards of achievement demonstrated by Dr. McNair.

McNair at Iowa State

The first McNair grant was awarded to Iowa State University in 1995 under the administration of Dr. George A. Jackson who wrote the successful proposal. Dr. Jackson, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, at the time, had already been awarded the grant for the TRiO Student Support Services Program at Iowa State. Over the next 20+ years, the McNair Program at Iowa State has served over 500 students.



Required Program Courses

Over a two-year period, McNair Scholars enroll and complete coursework along with other members of their cohort: Year One, which is an introduction to research, is centered on academic research, its purpose, process, methods, and various approaches. Year Two, offers an introduction to graduate school and focuses on funding, applying, interviewing, visiting, and selecting a graduate school.

McNair Seminar: Introduction to Research I and II (Year One) 3 cr. each
McNair Scholars will:

  • Engage with curriculum on research methods and processes
  • Begin faculty-led research work
  • Meet with McNair staff including the research writing consultant one-on-one to assess progress
  • Build social capital and community among peers and develop and complete team in-class projects

McNair Senior Seminar I and II (Year Two) 1 cr. each
McNair Scholars will:

  • Investigate various schools and benefits offered to students pursuing an advanced degree
  • Initiate and complete components of graduate school applications
  • Continue faculty-led research work
  • Meet with McNair staff one-on-one to assess progress
  • Present faculty-led research at national conferences
  • Build confidence for transitioning to a graduate program

McNair Advisory Council 2024-2025

Members of the McNair Advisory Council at Iowa State volunteer their time and are committed to:

  • Serve to support the mission of the Federal TRiO Ronald E. McNair Baccalaureate Achievement Program
  • Provide council and advocacy for the ongoing development of a strong McNair Program at Iowa State
  • Meet annually to review the program goals and objectives, and activites of students, faculty mentors, and the university community

The McNair Advisory Council is composed of the following members:

  • The McNair Team
  • A McNair Graduate Student Representative
  • A McNair Undergraduate Student Representative
  • Faculty Member: Dr. Tera Jordan, Assistant Provost for Faculty Development, Associate Professor in Human Development and Family Studies
  • Faculty Member: Dr. Clark Coffman, Associate Professor in Genetics, Development & Cell Biology
  • Partnering TRiO Program Member: Monica Martinez, Assistant Director, Student Support Services Program (SSSP)