Ashley Garrin

  • Program Director



Hometown: Waterloo, Iowa

Academic and Iowa State Background:

  • 3-time alum of Iowa State University
  • McNair, TRiO Student Support Services, and Upward Bound Program alum
  • Ph.D. in Apparel, Merchandising and Design; emphasis on social, cultural, historical aspects of dress, and marginalized groups' dress
  • Research and scholarship in Black Feminist Thought, hair and African American women, and developmental mentoring in higher education

Role as McNair Program Staff: Support the Director's work in program development; design and teach the academic research methods course; work with Faculty and Graduate Student Mentors in an effort to provide successful experiences for our McNair Scholars.

Good to Know: My passion revolves around social justice in higher education, student activism, mentoring relationships of underrepresented students, and equal access to graduate-level study. As an ISU McNair alum, I understand the value of the McNair program for students in pursuit of graduate degrees. I am beyond excited to serve our Scholars and can offer great insight into their needs, thanks to my own McNair experience.

Favorite Food: Iced coffee and Salted Carmel Mocha's from Starbucks and all forms of tacos!

Hashtag: #educationasactivism 

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Ronald E. McNair Program Oversight